Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Macroeconomics is the study of the major components of the economy. Ex Inflation, GDP, International Trade

Microeconomics is the study of how households and firms make decisions and how they interact in market. Ex Supply and demand and market structure.


Positive Economics vs. Normative.
Positive: Claims that attempt to describe the world as is. Very descriptive. (Fact based.) Ex Minimum wage laws causes unemployment.
Normative: Claims that attempt to prescribe how the world should be. Very prescriptive in nature. Opinion based. Ex the government should raise minimum wage.
Needs vs. Wants
Needs: are basic requirements for survival. Ex Food, water
Wants: desire of citizens. Broader than your needs.

Scarcity vs. Shortage
Scarcity:  The most fundamental economic problem facing all society. Satisfying limited wants with limited resources. (Limited) Ex Oil, Gold
Shortage: Where quantity demanded is greater than quantity supply.  Ex: clothes

Consumer goods and capital goods.
Consumer: goods that are intended for final use by the consumer. Ex Candy Bar, Car
Capital goods: Items used in the creation of other goods. Ex factory machinery and trucks.
Services: Work that is performed for someone else.

Factors of production:
1-Land: natural resources
2-Labor: work force
(Human Capital): knowledge and skills
(Physical Capital): Human made objects made for other goods and services

Entrepreneurship: innovator and risk taker.

Trade offs are alternatives that we give up when we choose one action over the other.
Opportunity cost is the most desirable alternative given up by making a decision.

Example of a PPG
Production Probability Graph: shows alternative ways to use resources

Production Efficiency: producing at the lowest cost and allocating resources efficiently and full employment of resources

Allocative Efficiency: where to produce on the curve

Elasticity of demand- tells how drastically buyers will cut back when prises rises.

Elastic Demand-When demand will change greatly given a small change in price
Wants: movie tickets, steaks,
Inelastic Demand- your demand for a product will not change regardless of price
Needs: Medicine, milk, gas
Unit Elastic- demand for a product doesn't change.



  1. the explanation of the two type of economics in the picture helped me understand the difference between the two. Thanks. I suggest you put the equations for the cost revenues.

  2. The Possible Production Graph was a good visualization for me to understand. I suggest that you adjust your notes so entrepreneurship is shown as a factor of production. I found some information on the factors of production if you need the extra understanding.

  3. I really like the differences between macroeconomics and microeconomics. That was really helpful. But I'd suggest you add more pictures and videos.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I like how you represented the possible production graph. However notice that you did not supply information on the business cycles
